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Girl Scout Breakout Game

I am always looking for means and methods of merging my two sides, the engineer and the Girl Scout. One isn't mutually exclusive of the other but I find I am either working on Girl Scout curriculum or STEM curriculum and not often merging the two. I think that a Breakout would be a perfect fit for our new troop which has increased in numbers as we took in a disbanded troop. As such a large group of diverse ages, 26 girls ranging in age from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade, a breakout will allow our troop to build some essential team building skills, while working on their GS Ways badges.

The GS Ways badge is all about Girl Scouts and our founder Juliette Gordon Low. It is about learning our history, customs and traditions. A breakout is the perfect way to highlight some of those fast facts. It is also a badge that is available for two of the three Girl Scout Age levels, Brownie and Junior, that our troop is comprised of. The Daisies can benefit from learning about Girl Scouts and the Law for their petals as well.

I began creating my breakout by brainstorming ideas for what the main goal of the game would be. What would the girls be trying to break out of the box. The GS Ways badge includes celebrating Juliette Gordon Low's birthday (October 31) and I thought birthday in a box, would be a perfect end reward! So I decided that I would include supplies and recipes for a s'more's trail mix (mini marshmallows, chocolate chips and teddy grahams) and some party hats and noisemakers that the girls could put together for their party.

I knew the clues should be based on facts and stats about the history of the Girl Scouts that I wanted the girls to learn. I settled on a few key points:

  • Girl Scouts was founded in 1912

  • Juliette Gordon Low was 52 when she started the Girl Scouts

  • Juliette's birthday was 10-31.

  • Juliettes nickname was "Daisy"

  • and of course, our motto, mission, promise and law.

One of our leaders has a copy of "Here Come the Girl Scouts" by Shana Corey so I also included that in the box as well. Our girls love stories and this one is all about the history of the Girl Scouts so it is a perfect fit for the GS Ways badges and my Breakout. Here is a link to a google folder with the printables and instructions for this Breakout Good Luck!

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