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OpenStax Astronomy 2e

I have been revamping my semester long astronomy elective course I teach this year. This year the first we are offering the elective since we went remote with covid in 2020. When we went remote, I digitized a lot of my labs and activities, and I really parred down the number of concepts the course covered to the bare minimum. One of the learning activities I am adding to the course is textbook reading using OpenStax Astronomy 2e by Andrew Frankoi, David Morrison and Sidney Wolfe. However, as teachers, we know that very few of our students will complete textbook reading without some form of an incentive to complete it. The knowledge gained alone is no longer enough of an incentive to complete an assignment. So, I have been creating guided reading worksheets to follow with the textbook concepts.

Image of Reading Module 1.1-1.5, (c) Stephanie A Erickson, 2024

When it comes time for assessments, I pull questions from each of the worksheets to include on the test. So, there is an additional incentive to complete them not just the small formative grade I give them. As I create them, I will add teacher keys to the folder, so bear with me as I build the resource.

Each reading will include a few multiple choice questions on the content and then some open ended questions to respond to. Our focus as a school this year is preparing our students for standardized state assessments, so any opportunity I have to have students completing questions that use college board directional words and higher order thinking activities gets priority.

Image of Reading Module 1.1-1.9, Page 2, (c) Stephanie A Erickson, 2024

I am offering my guided reading worksheets for free through a Google Drive link that can be downloaded through my Teachers Pay Teachers Storefront. This folder is growing as I create the readings for each chapter.



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